Who: Anyone and Everyone! What: Having fun hopefully When: Forward dated to Saturday! Where: The Coffee Joint Warnings: PG for safety Status: [In Progress]
Who: Rufus ShinRa and Reno What: Late Turk is late and requesting a meeting with his boss. When: Tonight Where: Rufus' bachelor pad office. Warnings: G. P: Status: [ In Progress ]
Who: Rufus ShinRa, Rikku What: Rufus has a tendency to go do dumb things under the guise of brilliant. When: Sunday Night Where: Hotel ShinRa! Lobby first, then from there. Warnings: G Status: [In Progress]
Who: fearmongering and open! What: Rufus ShinRa arrives back to the city. When: Sunday evening. Where: Hotel ShinRa - In front of and inside. Warnings: G~ :D Status: In Progress
Who: James, Theta and Rufus during Body Swap Event What: Talking mostly, then changing back When: Tuesday through Wednesday Where: ShinRa Apartments Warnings: PG to be safe? Status: In Progress
WHO: Ganondorf and Rufus WHAT: Long overdue discussions WHEN: January 20th-ish? WHERE: Ganon's Fortress WARNINGS: Let's leave it at a PG for diabolical plans. Might go higher? STATUS: Ongoing
Who: Rufus ShinRa and Christine Chaple What: Rufus isn't getting any worse, but he certainly isn't getting any better. When: Wednesday, 1/5 Where: The Clinic Warnings: Uh, PG? I doubt it'll need to be changed :D Status: [In Progress]
Who: Rufus Sexypants ShinRa fearmongering Grell Sutcliff crimsonchainsaw When: Evening of the 21st. Where: Rufus' Room Rating: Gonna say PG-13 for bad touch and possible make out times. Or attempts. Summary: Grell's Rufus sense is tingling so he brings the president some soup. Notes: Mistletoe antic. Status: CLOSED, INCOMPLETE.
Who: Rufus ShinRa, Posessed!Zelda What: "Would you like to play with me?" When: Thursday Night Where: Train Station Warnings: Fighting, Blood, Creepiness. Status: [Complete/In Progress]
Who: People! What: The work is finished, time to celebrate! When: Backdated to November 5th, evening time Where: The Black Stallion Warnings:None so far?
Everyone start your own threads and go from there. Mingling and drinking encouraged on a Friday night! Don't do anything that would make Xanxus kick you out :D